Case Consultation (for SE™ students and SE™ graduates)

 I am generally available between 8:15am and 2:30pm Pacific Standard time. Occasionally I will have space available outside those times.

One on One Consultation:

Currently, I am not providing any individual consults.


I am currently only hosting small group consults, 3 hours long, 1 credit hours. My fee is $75 in the currency of the country you work in.


Or, if you would like to arrange a small group consult for 8-12 folks in your training year or some of your SE friends/colleagues, please state that in the inquiry form. You are responsible for gathering the group and we will find a time to work together.

I also do small group consults for assistants, session providers or case consultants. Again, please gather 8-12 other folks and we will find some time to meet.

* Please note any time difference when booking a session and check a time change converter to ensure you are booking the correct time: I use this site.